Categories: Thoughts

The Other End of Spectrum

Love is perhaps the most criticized emotion by me. I have always rather felt, it to be, a crazy sort of thing. But perhaps love is like a scale, and there are both end of the spectrum. All i see, we see, around us, is one end of the spectrum. The crazy part. The usual Love. The practical love. Nothing wrong about it, or is it? It’s rather not wrong to be practical. But how can one be practical about love. Confusing!  But this blog is not about this end of the spectrum, the one i usually crib about. Its about the other end.

The real love. The Ideal Love. The love you see only in movies, and that too rarely these days. The Love, the way it is meant to be ( as i feel ). And though i have known about it for 4 years now, yet today served a reminder to me. I saw it again, once more, in front of me. And it made me emotional. I felt sad, that even though worse feelings have been reciprocated or accepted at least.

But the real feelings, the feeling so pure and innocent, it lays to waste. I always talk about things being unfair, but this is perhaps one of the heights. I have never, never ever, felt anyone to love so purely, so un-wantingly ( could not find the right word ).  And yet all that is received for the same, is sheer ignorance! How can people be so heartless. How can God, be so unfair?

Usually i can see love, hear it, on the road, in my surroundings. But rarely do we see, love that is neither said or heard or touched, it can just be felt. Felt from heart, not by hands. Felt in the subtle movements, like a living organism. Salute to those who can love like this, for even if not realized, perhaps the feeling is enough. The contentment of having been able to love, so unselfishly. There is always the pain ( in this case ), of never being recognized. But perhaps that is how it was meant to be.

I just dont know why i am writing this. But perhaps it just the feeling of pain, emanating from someone so close, of having loved so innocently. The pain, that innocence is just not the in thing right now. If ever there is something IDEAL, that exists in this world, it is this love.


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  • A friend said, "she is not kinda girl he can be with and he is not kinda guy she wud love to be with".
    Maybe that is truth too.
    Gosh, its so confusing!!!!!

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