
Society. What is Society?
Wikipedia defines it as, “A society is a group of humans or other organisms of a single species that is delineated by the bounds of cultural identity, social solidarity, functional interdependence. In short, a place where we live by a given set of rules as designed by the group of people of Society.

The first question that pops to my mind is What led to those rules? How were they formed ? Were they just present or thrown from the sky by god? I guess, they were devised by certain persons or a group of people. So this leads to the understanding that Society is governed by nothing but the mindset , the rules, the thinking of certain select people and it is deemed correct for all to follow.

Why? Because it is considered that 90% of the people cannot live on their own. They need someone to lead them, someone they can follow. But we also believe that individual is unique and its possible t!
hat some rules are not possibly correct for him . Yet anyone who goes against society is branded an outcast. Lets take an example

A person’s X body might feel hungry at certain times, maybe 7 times a day. Is it then wrong, if we think in terms of society because food is taken only on breakfast, lunch and dinner. But what is wrong with it? Is it wrong if people start wanting food at various times. Not so fundamentally. The only explanation is that societal rules were made to bring about a routine. A routine that has existed since long past, that might have been perfect for society when it came into existence but not now because of the change of the time. But most of the rules still remain the same!!! Weird

So are we trying to live the rules of say 4th century BC in 21st century AD. Maybe not, but are we trying to live by the rules of 18th century? Yes, even many laws in India are still the same as in 18th and 19th century. So much for societal development.

I think, its time we re assess the rules. We should start living uninhibitedly even though there is the risk of being branded insane, crazy or alien. Yet, I think I should at least be living how I feel because life as far as I can understand is independent from before being born or after dying. So what I or we do now wont be affecting anything at all immaterial. Till I experience a miracle in front of my eye or till I can feel that life is lived to improve your after death experiences, I would live like a normal person as i deem normal.

I am not trying to be good here. I am trying to be human, to keep alive that human unique random quality. If I as a person feel at peace with myself by doing certain thing, it is good/right for me. And that is all the justification I have, and all I need.


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  • same old blah blah! ... no offense.

    "Till I experience a miracle in front of my eye" --> keep waiting.

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