God and Religion

I have been reading Coelho, Ayn Rand, Richard Bach. They appear to be very fulfilling spiritually, yet the questions still linger. Questions about God, Our life, Love and what god expects from us? and so on it goes. The fundamental axioms of life are things you have felt and yet don’t know why they are but THEY ARE . My fundamental axiom has been a supernatural power. Something that has been driving me towards my goals.
As Coelho said “When you want something from heart, the Whole Universe conspires in its favour

But still… I havent any answer to the question why we are born? Or why do we live? Or why do we have to exist doing routine things when we have to die one day..and whether we do or not do something , it wont really affect the world.

The main thesis behind these thoughts is that God exists, that he preaches Religion. That Religion says to love, to sacrifice for others. That whatever bad u do, is your fault and whatever good u do is God’s blessing. That a creature has sinned by taking birth and has to pay repentance for it. Is this what Religion says?

I believe in God and even in Hinduism, but i dont understand the necessity of so many rites and rituals. Why the complication of things, which can be done peacefully and in a more simple way. But how do I start believing that God preaches love, sacrifice, even killing according to some . I am not really able to comprehend these concepts. And I am trying to find an alternative explanation for life and god without taking sacrifice as a fundamental axiom. Why? Because I havent experienced the feeling that sacrifice leads to rewards. People may argue that there are rewards, always. But they have come into existence only after we have started !
believing that sacrifice should be rewarded. So, is it really necessary to abide exactly by the rules of Religion, most of which are borrowed from no proper axioms.

Perhaps not exactly, but there is still a lot to learn from religion. But most of all, you need to think logically whether what you believe is fundamentally correct or not. If it is, you should believe in it, and if not maybe try to improve on it.


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  • gud work! i think if at least one third of our socially 'active'population reads dis, then India might become a li'l more sensible. feels like u r a real fan of Coelho. I too m trying to start living by applying his principles these days...

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