New Job, New City, New Home

Its a new start once again. I have come a long way from where i thought i would be in middle of August. To think of it, i would not have dreamed remotely of being here and now 6 months back. But that is why i believe in Destiny. An analogy of Destiny that comes to mind is Air. It is omnipresent, and yet we don’t really feel it. Its only when it becomes turbulent that we realise that destiny can blow us to any path it wants.

So i am in Bangalore. Just started Full Time Employment at Cisco Systems here. And the first thing that was decided, was also the last thing too. Sounds crazy? Well before coming here i was kind of sure, where i would be staying. And yet, after getting here, i realized that wont be feasible. So i had to look for a new place to live. And that is not an easy job at all. And finally settled on a new flat, and in a way, it was last major thing.

Job well done? Not yet. Finalizing a flat is not the end of it. The game begins now. Basically most of the flats here are empty with only Wardrobes and stuff. Our however, and luckily, had beds, TV, Fridge etc. Otherwise the first step is to buy Mattresses and / or Bed. The next step is to get the electronics: TV, Fridge, Washing Machine. New or Second Hand, Cheap or Expensive. All depends on your taste and budget. Next come the Services: Internet, Cable, Gas Connection. Lots of choices to pick. Even this is time consuming activity. Buying / Installation / Documents and stuff can all take a good amount of time.

Next is external vendors ( 😛 ). Someone to clean, Someone to wash clothes, Someone to cook etc etc. Nothing is cheap. To haggle and bargain, and finalize each one is another achievement. Its only after this that this house, starts feeling like a home.

And for some who like their own travel, like me, the next step is a vehicle. So you need a Bike or Car. Buying in cash is never feasible, so you need a loan.  But you just joined job. You have no bank accounts / credit worthiness. So no one would give you a loan for a month or 2. So you are ground in Bangalore’s Extra full Buses and Extra Extra Expensive Autos.

Settling in a new place is another experience. Its not like interns where you know, its a short duration and you have to just manage. It helps you learn a lot of new stuff. It is not easy for sure. But then sometimes it can be irritating, because you realize you are paying a premium on almost everything and there is nothing you can do about it.

Good luck to all those who are doing it currently, or might do so in future! 🙂


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  • but this is just a part of learning curve, how else are we going to be fully responsible. So dude just keep learning and never forget to chill :-)

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