Island : An interesting Society

Something about the way things are around me, seems to nag me always. Society as i see it, seems so imperfect. Its hard to believe it exists. I write about it frequently. But mostly i used to point out the issues. I did not have an answer. I still do not have an answer on how to take society to a better point, if it exists.

But lately i have an answer to the better society. Its not my own totally, rather inspired by a book called Island by Aldous Huxley. I seem to have a thing for his writings. They are much intriguing and leaves lot to wonder on the future. So about this book. Well in this book, there exists an alternate society in a small independent state, that has restricted the interaction between its people and the outside world. Its all done without force, mind you!!

The book might seem hedonistic in a sense. But well i would take that any day, in return for no more resource wasting on War and Armies. Its not that i love Peace, but i am a practical guy. I like to maximize resource usage. And armies and wars are such a drain on our world, its not feasible to sustain over a long period. In Island, initially the society was like ours. Until the King of the place, along with another doctor, tried to change the base lines. Introducing the techniques of hypnotism, and yoga. Reducing religion to a level of hobby. Giving people the answers, instead of questions. Working more on level with human psychology. The emphasis was not on Maximum Capacity Utilization but on Maximum Human Satisfaction.

Sex was but a form of yoga for them, which was taught at the school level, so that it gives another outlet for your energy. Love and Marriage existed as they are, but people were given freedom for love and sex. And there was the drug-medicine called Moksha Medicine, which was taken in a monitored form, but which allowed one to unite with his own inner self, with the supreme being in a sense. It can be termed as an stimulant, that allowed you to withdraw from the reality, which we all need at times.

Education was not the same for all. People were grouped on basis of their desires, their psychology, their physical build and natures. Each was given the kind of training best suitable for them. Work was not one thing you had to do forever. You could shift to new jobs, try them out like new ice cream flavors. You can settle for one forever, or you can keep trying. Everyone was involved in some sort of physical activity, to keep fit physically and mentally.

There were no armies. There used to be crimes, but based on psychology the people with criminal tendencies were detected early and groomed to be better. Prevention rather than Punishment. There were no wars. The concept of death was not to be feared. It was a part of daily life, and children were taught to be comfortable with it. This i think, was a really important aspect of the society. When you are taught to live with something that occurs everyday, your life improves drastically.

Maybe this whole thing is not feasible in our world. Maybe we are not cut out for it. But when have so many experiments in scientific domain, why cant this be one in a psychological domain. Maybe when we run to the cliff in our industrialization, or another devastating war occurs, only then will we start to look at other things, except technology, to change our lives. As they say to create something new, you have to end the earlier.

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