Crypto-mania: Crypto explained (by a rookie)

The world has been gripped by cryptomania lately. Every day I come across a news article on CNBC talking about…


The costs of freedom

Having grown up in India which is heavily influenced by western ideals and having lived in US for a bit,…


Death makes life meaningful

The topic of death is always sensitive. Especially in western culture, we tend to avoid it like it's a piece…


History can predict our future

Over the last few months I have had a chance to learn more about history.  I have gotten the chance…


Misbehaving Humans

Humans are very interesting beings. On various different occasions, I have made an assumption that human beings are rational beings…


To seek from what I run away

I want, I want, I want Everytime, Everywhere I want I want things, I want feelings I want to be…


My experiences with failure (2020 edition)

2020 2020 has been a challenging year for most people. Almost no one could have planned for what happened this…


Anti-Fragile: Things that gain from disorder

COVID-19 has definitely made life unpredictable. If there was one thing that has been the feature of our lives, it…


Digital Minimalism

Background This is the COVID world. Staying at home, staying away from people, working at home, attending zoom calls all…


Burnout: The point at which you don’t care

In these strange and uncertain times, people in Tech have had it relatively better than those working on the front-lines…
