Categories: Thoughts

Sex, Fuck and Making love

Disclaimer : This blog post contains adult content so reader’s discretion is advised. More to do with your maturity than your age

I was talking to a friend today. We were discussing sex, which is the most common topic in a guys conversation. And like most of the other days we were trying to decode sex.

So around the same I was thinking about 3 things and instinctively they felt different. Sex, Fucking and Making love. I believe there’s another aspect to intercourse but I do not really have a name for it.

So if I have to logically think about it, then sex is the act. It is just the mere act of sexual desire. Most married couple have sex. They are neither fucking nor are they making love. They are just having sex to satisfy a routine desire and they dispatch this Task with the efficiency of other daily chores. Husband goes to bed and so does wife. They get close, have sex and sleep. No passion, No feeling, just a mere walk-in-the-park kind of thing.

Then there is fucking. Well Fuck is in itself the king of words. Be it an adjective, a verb or a preposition. It just can be fit into any sentence anywhere. So fucking in my mind conveys this feeling of wild passionate sex. Sex in this case is the act, but there is a passion to it. There is a wildness, even a roughness to it. That would explain the term fucking appropriately. Its what happens when a guy who hasn’t touched a woman in months for example gets drunk at a bar with a similar woman and they both get together. What follows is fucking!

Now to the making love part. This is what is mostly left to our novels or some choicest romantic movie. Making love is self-explanatory. Its not about the sex here, its more about an expression of love. You feel love usually. This is the method to touch, taste and smell love. Its passionate yet slow with the aim not to satisfy desire but to satisfy love. Its probably apt to describe the first time a couple of a 2 year long relationship decide to sleep with each other. What follows can be hours of making love, where you find the expression of your love transformed into a physical want of each others bodies.

I would never have come to this last part and i believe a lot of people are not even aware that this could be so. But the reason why I can write of this is because of a story a friend once told me. Of how what he felt was sex but none of these 3 terms could explain what he felt. It was a single point of one-ness. The exact terms he used. He told me about how you feel connected to some person at times. And you feel really really connected at some times. Its like thoughts flow without speaking. And a natural expansion of this is to join your bodies together to let those thoughts flow. It may or may not eventually lead to orgasmic feeling that is common to the other 3 aspects.

Yet there is sex and there is a emotional connection that is being accentuated by physical bodies. If body is an extension of mind, then sex is an extension of love. The bodies mold together as if to create a new device that allows even more fluid communication. Like the best channel of communication opens when the bodies connect.

Another term I came across was a insecure sex. When you feel so insecure that the only way to regain security is within a person / feeling a person within. Then probably there is something called breakup sex too which i am not too aware of.


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  • " He told me about how you feel connected to some person at times. And you feel really really connected at some times."

    I doubt sex is something like that. I think its just a part of the body. For ex you have taste buds and you start eating something that you really like very much after many months. But it will have a limit. After you've eaten some amount you would lose the taste for food.

    So similar to that is sex I think (not making love as you've described). While doing that physical act your body starts getting ecstatic and finally reaches the end of it. And then you lose the taste for it in a similar way. I dont think its anything to do being connected to the other person. Another explanation is - You're not connected to your hand while masturbating normally but you can still do it.

    But really nice distinction you've given to these 3 terms. Great going dude!

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