The realm of Miracle

Unbelievable. Now that’s a word, we do frequently use. It’s amazing how things are programmed into our genetic structure. The concept of an entity, more supreme than us, the God, is also a kind of genetically mapped belief. Almost everyone around the world shares such a belief (with the exception of now growing atheists group). With God, comes the notion of Miracles. To create something out of nothing. To change the physical structure without any contact. These are some of the ways a miracle is defined.

Well, I did not believe in miracles, until some days before. There was no explanation that could fit in. I kept wondering. And recently I read about Noetics. Noetics is a branch of philosophy that is concerned with mind, intuition and intellect. How can I know without knowing? That is what Noetics wants to find out. Somehow through the whole reading, a kind of mist cleared in my head. It was, as if, pieces of puzzles spread around the whole brain, came together. And I finally found a logical, if not realistic, explanation.

We, humans, and everything around us is made up of matter. It is the same protons, neutrons, and electrons that make us. Then why are things different. Well it’s the composition, and arrangement of these atoms, that result in variety. These sub-atomic particles exhibit a property called Wave nature. It means, that rather than being fixed in space, these particles exhibit a wave nature, and the probabilities of the electron being in a specific position is not 1 but spread over some area.

In simpler words, if there is a ball kept on table, it sits on the table in a fixed position. But a sub-atomic particle is constantly moving like a wave (like the flow of air), and we can only define probability of where the wave is. Hence, the whole composition of matter is governed by probability. Now without an external interference, these probabilities tend to be the natural ones. This manifests itself in a natural world. But what if we could push these probabilities. What if I could force an electron in the opposite spin?

Well if we could change the nature of one particle. Then we can change how it interacts with other particle, with a similar but greater interference. If we continue the chain, a particle influenced by me on my wrist could influence another particle at tip of my finger. That is because the area between them is also comprised of matter. Extrapolating the same, I could theoretically change the particles on a keyboard key to exert a force down without touching it. I could theoretically change the nature of cancer cells to become normal by changing the structure of particles within. Well, I think so, atleast theoretically.

But what is the interference, the force, which could bring this about. Well it was something I overlooked, it is the mind. When you think hard, or focus all your energy to lets say changing the nature of one electron inside you, you maybe able to pull it off. But to do all the theoretical stuff, you need a trained mind. Not just simply trained, extremely focused. A mind that concentrate on a single point, in the middle of a grand wedding, without blinking maybe. 🙂

But jokes apart, the miracles that we do see, could be a result of highly trained minds. When humans have been known to meditate for years, we can certainly achieve a consciousness so focused, it could alter matter’s nature, and reality in itself. This is perhaps, what the culmination of Science and Mythology and Magic would be. And once we start exploring this avenue of mind energy, the bounds for what can be achieved is infinite.


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