Howard Roark

Its one of the name that might remain in my memory for a long time to come. He is not my best friend or mentor. He is just a character from a book. A book i had intended to read as a novel, a work of fiction. But it turned out to give me some lessons in philosophy and morality that might be imprinted forever. The book was “The Fountainhead” by Ayn Rand. And truly it was an awesome book. Every page of this really long book, was worth it.

The character of Mr. Howard Roark was such, as if, to him everyone else was invisible. He was a guy perfectly ( more like ideally ) confident and perhaps the biggest strength he had was of “indifference“, of being indifferent to any and every thing. This may generally be considered to be cold. But then, to me, it felt more like he was one guy who wasn’t here to be someone, not here to get better than his neighbor. He was someone who wanted to create someone. To pursue his love, solely on his own, without any interference and without any bother. And he was not fighting in the rat race, so much the part of our world. Even hard circumstances wouldn’t force him to sway to a path, that was easier or something he did not love.

He had but few friends, because not many could understand him. Of course, its hard to understand people, yet he was a level above, to even understand. And those who were his friends, were a part of his own separate universe. He wasn’t alive to be virtuous, or good. He also wasn’t the person who would sacrifice his soul. For soul was sacred to him, an indivisible entity, something above sacrifice.

But one important part of book is, that it creates a thought. Why do we want to be virtuous? How many want to be so because of their inner desire? The rest want to appear socially concerned. To appear good. So they sacrifice, at times even their soul. Why? To benefit others, or to indirectly benefit ourselves, in front of others or even god.And most of all, if all of us sacrifice for others, isn’t the world gonna be doomed with so much loss.

On the whole it is the kind of thing, that inspires you to live without inhibition, to be real, to be what you are. Not afraid of anyone, not afraid of anything at all.
And i shall learn from it.


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