The end of Semester 6

Well the last week has been crushing and the next week seems to be even more so. This is after all the EXAM time, that point where all disasters seem to converge into a one week period. For those who have never opened the books or visited the classrooms, its like living an entire 2 months in a single week.

To add to this, the professors seem to find extreme pleasure in piling up the load just days before the finals. They seem to remember all the sundry exams that need to be taken, all the assignments that should be done, and all the reports that have to be submitted. All this, appears as if to be forgotten for most part of the semester, and suddenly appear like a giant baseball bat running after you to knock you down.

This semester, there was a crazy course called Seminar. Its hard to understand the whole purpose of it. You are either to choose or allotted a topic, and you spend 3 and a half months wondering what the topic means. Then suddenly, you have to plunge into it and read Research papers, and god knows what other papers, books and articles. When done, you have to make a crazy report from all this stuff. Copying, Editing and more Copying, LOL !! Then there is a presentation, and this is the most tense part of it all. Everyone except your guide, seems to think you are an ignorant moron, who does not deserve to be alive, and they bombard you with all crazy stuff, until you accept, “Yes Sir! I am a moron! ” .

With me, the topic was eCommerce. My guide was I DONT KNOW .Now this topic was something which had very little technical stuff. And my guide, had no clue what i should do with the topic. I got no help whatsoever, but i managed to hook up a report and presentation. I delivered the presentation well, by my estimate. But as luck would have it, I had Chhota Bacha in my panel. Now this guy, is a sadist by nature. He gets extreme pleasure in student’s pain. And as he was not my guide, he was not going to spare me. He took me apart. And he contradicted everything i said. Even though, i was sure half the things were perfectly correct. The ordeal ended finally, and i dont hope for a good grade. I just want to pass this course, at any cost. The only feeling i had, when i came out of the room was, that i am at the abyss. ” Nothing can be worse than this. So cheer!
up, things are only going to get better!! 🙂 ”

All characters mentioned in this post are fictitious and bear no resemblance to any person, dead or alive

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